I understand that the evil of societies and the evil of the economy is division... Division brings competition and many believe that this makes capitalism grow... But I don't believe it... because I'm a barter and as such my base is exchanges... When there is exchange, there is no competition, and the system grows with mutual help... And in fact this is the secret to being truly prosperous because where your employee is satisfied with his treatment he will hardly sabotage his boss, this requires mutuality, exchanges and love between his boss and his employee and when competition is not encouraged, and yes it helps each other with exchanges of knowledge and not competition, everyone wins because the firm becomes a school for the young and the old, the firm will learn the news from the new, because a sack of rice is better than a plantation with a flock of loose grains without anyone picking a bag? and that requires you to act love, because if you don't love what you do then it's sad... Money was created to help exchanges but it lost its meaning... My policy is, I will try to make the divisions as fair as possible and I will try to unite and partner with companies instead of competing with them... soon you have an idea you want to produce with me I can be your outsourced and vice versa, my The idea is that we come to act as a large organic cooperative because in an organism all members are important, and if the world stops economically warring with each other and acts as a living organism, we will kill the hunger of the world. food, also even the hunger for good quality and durable products, which was what made the united states of America so rich and well-spoken in the 70s to 90s, today we have expensive products well thought out to break, and be replaced by new ones , we no longer think about lasting 20 years or more and this is leading the planet to bankruptcy, because the division and the economic war with high competitiveness between left and right is causing misfortune where we have the left devaluing and leveling down and to the right, competing and thinking about profits... I'm right... but not this one, then I think in exchanges, I want to help as much as possible of companies that come to help me, because I heartily desire that they act world union in pro to help everyone, to understand that everything has its value, and this comes from your knowledge and how you apply it, because it's no use knowing something and hiding or using it for the harm of humanity, because that's how money should be. applied in projects and these must do good for humanity, so I must and will accept projects and close projects with people and firms that do their jobs fair and in favor of unification and better convergence of future projects, and this for me is of paramount importance to have better and higher quality products because the evil of society and economy lies in competition that causes division and causes wars of all kinds, so ladies and gentlemen, let's unite in favor of wisdom and love, thus helping us to build worlds better without borders with love as a flag r not a bunch of nations divided at war with each other whether in economy or territory let's be the white flag of peace and this is the representation of our home planet earth!
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